Creating and Changing Price Groups
Last updated
Last updated
This Tip Sheet assumes your basic pricing structure (Margins/Mark-ups) has already been established.
This Tip Sheet covers:
Creating new Price Groups
Moving Product from one Price Group to another
Updating Selling Prices
Printing Labels
Create (or Edit) New Price Groups
Go to Product Service>Price Groups
Click on the “+” to create a new Price Group or select an existing Group to update/change existing info.
Fill in or Edit: -Group ID (Name of Margin Group) -Description (typically the margin% or some other identifier, i.e.: 24% BEER) -Add the Margin % -Select the ROUND UP method
(*Make sure the Mark-up % of Base Cost and Margin Amount of Base Cost are set at 0.00)
Moving Product from one Price Group to another using the ‘Apply for all’ function (from <Product Maintenance>)
First, make sure the Price Group column is visible. From ‘Fields’, tick the “Price Group ID” box to make sure that column is visible in the Product Grid.
Next, load the product to change. There are many ways to do this à sort by size, description, group, category, etc. For this example, we are using Category and Size. Type the desired Category into the search box, (i.e.: BEER DOMESTIC) then sort Product by Size (click on “Size”). This will group like products from the selected category.
>Highlight the GROUP ID for the product to update >Click “Apply for all” (make sure the Field reads, Price Group ID)
>Select the new Price Group VALUE >Click “OK” to save
Updates have only been made to product Price Groups. No selling prices have been impacted at this point. To update selling prices as you receive product, no further action is needed. (You will be flagged to update selling prices as product is received at a new cost.)
Update Selling Prices immediately after adding/updating a Price Group
Go to: Product Service>Price Changes>Update selling prices>by selling price groups
Every Product/Group is loaded by default. Unless every product sold is being updated, Clear All price groups then Add the Price Group(s) to update info set by default. Verify that the Round-up method is selected. Click “OK” to Save. (Please note, no prices have been updated yet. There will be a chance to review, activate and abandon changes.)
The ‘Activate New Selling Prices’ window will open. Highlight items to: -Activate New Selling Prices (to accept and activate the new suggested Selling Price) or
-Abandon changes (to deny and abandon the new suggested selling price)
Tip: Select either DECREASED or INCREASED prices to sort product. Typically, product with an INCREASE requires more immediate action. Prices with a DECREASE may or may not warrant a selling price update. (You may not want to pass on all LTOs.)
Print Labels
Go to: Product Service>Labels>New activated prices for labels
>Highlight specific product or select “for all items”
>Click “Create labels”