Creating Special Sales Invoices
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From Barnet POS Manager go to: Inventory>Invoices(Sales)>Invoices Maintenance
Click on the “+” sign in the upper left corner to add the invoice
>Fill in the date >Leave the Customer box blank unless you have a customer base set-up >Click on “Save” (the new invoice you created will open)
Click on the “+” in the upper left corner to add product(s).
>Enter the CSPC (or use the little blue book to search)
>Enter the Quantity
>Click on “Save”
Continue until all products have been added (you will be able to edit the invoice until the sale is complete)
You can close this invoice until you are ready to cash out. The invoice will be stored in ‘Invoice Maintenance’ (see the first steps)
When you close the invoice, you will be asked if you would like to cash-out now, select “No” if you are not completing the sale at that moment.
When you are ready to close the sale, open the invoice.
From Barnet POS Manager go to: Inventory>Invoices(Sales)>Invoices Maintenance
Make any last minute edits if necessary.
>Click on “Payment”
A drop-down list of payment options will pop up. Fill in the details then select the payment option.
The status in the ‘Invoice Maintenance’ window will change to “paid” to show the transaction is complete.
Completing the sale immediately updates inventory and sales data.