Customer Loyalty (Points Collection) Cannabis Portal
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For loyalty activation please inform Barnet and we will activate the points collection on the portal. Also, we will need to know how you’d like your points redemption set up.
Percentage discount?
Dollar discount?
Go to the “Categories” page
Here you’ll set up the points amount you will give customers for every $1 spent (1, 10, …)
There are two ways to redeem customers’ points.
Let customers collect points until they reach the minimum points amount to be able to redeem them.
Go to the “Points Setup” page
Here you enter the redemption min and max and redemption amount/percentage.
In the example above when the customer reaches 300 points, they can redeem $10 of the bill but not more than $30. (900/300) * $10 = $30.
If you want to limit points redemption to minimum so the customer can redeem only minimum redemption setup (in our case $10), set the ‘Maximum points for redeem’ to equal the ‘Minimum points for redeem’ amount.
The rest of the points (if more than 300 points) can be redeemed on the next visit.
***Important: Only customers with reward-type points will be collecting them.
For that please go to the “Customer Groups” page. Select the group and set reward type to ‘Points’.
The points redemption can be set up in a way to allow customers to be able to use their points toward their payments without reaching a certain points amount.
You must tell Barnet the factor of redemption you want us to set.
For example, the factor to convert the points into cash equivalents is 0.02. A customer has 10 points (they spent $10 on eligible products) so the amount they can redeem towards the payment will be $0.2 (20 cents).