Refunding in Barnet with KORT Payments
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With KORT Payments you cannot process refunds to cards unless you recall the original receipt at the till. You will need a “Refund Receipt” button that Barnet support can set up for you if you don’t have one currently. This is different than the “Refund Item” button that all stores have. It will also help to have a “List of Receipts” button. This can be programmed to show receipts from up to 31 days.
When a customer comes in for a refund, scan the barcode on the original receipt, search the receipt # or find it and click on it in “List of Receipts”.
The original receipt will show on the screen, and you should press the “Refund Receipt” button which will change all items to negative as though they are refunding the entire order. If this is correct, proceed by pressing “DEBIT CREDIT” to initiate a full refund on the customer’s card.
If the customer is only returning part of the receipt, VOID the items not being refunded or double click the SKUs to change the QTY being refunded before selecting “DEBIT CREDIT” to refund.