Return Invoices and Credits
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When you are short shipped, experience breakage in transit, concealed damage, defective products, or anything of the sort, you will want to notify your vendor immediately to ask for a credit and correct your inventory OnHand in Barnet. Barnet’s Return Invoice system allows you to enter negative invoices and reconcile these as credits come in from the vendors.
Create a Return Invoice in <Receiving> by pressing the green “+” in the top left corner:
At the bottom left, choose your vendor and click “Return Invoice” then press SAVE:
As usual press the green “+” sign to add your SKU:
Because it has already been selected as a “Return Invoice,” you do not have to enter a minus sign in the Quantity field. It will automatically convert numbers entered into negatives in the top grid after you press Save with each item:
It is good practice to enter a comment to explain the entry.
If your Receiving comments are not showing in your grid view, select and check the field to bring them up.
Different vendors reimburse credits in different ways so there are different options to receive and keep track of which credits have been reimbursed.
On some invoices the credits are imported in by a SKU to balance your invoice.
For these it would make sense to add a comment on the invoice indicating it was for a certain Return Invoice. You should also enter a comment stating when/how you were reimbursed onto the Return Invoice itself and or you could mark it as “Paid.” (See below).
For some credits due you will get separate refund invoices with just the refunded product on it. Do not receive these into Barnet as you effectively already did when you did the Return Invoice. You could note the document number either in the Vendor Invoice # cell or in a comment and you could mark the Return Invoice as “Paid.” (See below).
Some credits will come only as a $ amount, no generic credit CSPC that imports. In this case you can APPLY CREDIT. (See below).
If you receive a credit $ value on an invoice you can Apply Credit from a previously entered Return Invoice to balance it by pressing “Apply Credit” at the bottom of the receiving page:
That will bring up a window showing any outstanding Return Invoices. Check and press “OK.”
You will see the credit listed after subtotal on the bottom right. There will also be an “Update Credit” button to change the credit you applied in case it was wrong and also a button allowing you to Print the original Return Invoice.
The Return Invoice looks like this:
You can enter a comment to indicate which Return Invoice credited.
Note the comment refers to Return 01337. These are the last 5 digits of Barnet’s autogenerated Receiving number – see it circled below on the left. This is a good system to adopt, referring to the last 5 digits as in Barnet’s Cloud portal only these 5 digits show. See below on second picture.
In the Receiving grid view, if you have the Credit Field showing it will list the amount of credit applied:
To mark the Return Invoices so that you know just by looking which ones have been reimbursed, you can mark them as “paid”. Open the <Receiving> entry and click “Payment” at the top:
A window will open allowing you to enter the total “paid” and the payment type. This is really just a flag to you so that you can keep track.
This will appear in the “Amount Paid” column and as a checkmark in the “Fully Paid” column. You can also filter all your entries to show only Paid entries: