2Fors and Multiple Discounts Single Item
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This feature allows you to set a special discount on select items. Some of those discounts include: 2-for-$X and special pricing for purchasing multiples of the same item.
From <Product Maintenance>, select the item to be discounted. For this tutorial, we are using:
SKU: 630996 Upc: 62067335624 Desc: BUDWEISER 710ML SC
>Select the “Discounts” tab
>Locate the “2 fors” box. In this example it is in the lower left corner.
(This may vary depending on the POS version in use.)
>Enter the QTY (quantity) that needs to be purchased to receive the discount
>Enter the Discount amount or the discounted price of the product.
In this example, BUD 710ML SC is normally $5.15 each. If the customer purchases two, they are $4.75 each.
From the “General” tab there will be two selling prices. One is for regular purchases, the other reflects the ‘2-for’ discount.