Price Groups and Sync in Multi Store Portal
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A “Price Group” table is common for all stores across the portal, to allow centralized HO management. Store data cleanup is mandatory in preparation for the store being added to an existing multi-store portal. While each store in a multi-store portal can have the same product with different price groups, the price groups themselves in their table are shared across all stores. There can only be one Tier 25. Here is rationale to get an understanding on how to manage that area.
Price Groups are used in Categories, Customer Groups (for Cost types) and are common for all portal stores in multi-store portal and are also used in PBS.
For ease of manageability, Price Groups IDs in stores, targeted for multi-store portals, are usually set to Price Tier % value as seen below in PM:
Please note that on portal PM Tier (unique in PM) is called ‘PM Tier’:
Price Groups Synchronization Rules:
-Store to portal: PriceTypes should be present in ‘Tables to sync’ on ‘Web Sync’ tab. (overnight, unless Fast Slow sync enabled in lower part of this tab)
-Portal to store: 'Load Price Groups' should be checked on ‘Portal Sync with HO’ tab. To perform full portal to store sync, set ‘Price Groups Rev’ to 0 and save, otherwise sync is incremental - on Price Group saves. fast sync - usually within a minute this sync does not recalculate store product prices, it relies on portal Product prices update, and sync.
In single store, two-way full sync is executed if enabled as above.
In multi-store, portal to store sync is performed, if enabled in stores, and store to portal sync can work only for lead store, if enabled. Regular stores store to portal price groups sync is not performed, portal discards received data if percentages changed.
How to clean up store data before joining the portal: 1. In POS Manager, renumber Tiers in all Price Groups to be consistent across all stores. (I need to verify that PM renumbering updates PM Categories, Customer Groups (if used) and Products, and if necessary, release new PM build). 2. Update Price Groups on portal to have same ‘PM Tier’ as Tier in stores for same % levels. In single store portals, just execute web sync. In multi-store, either dedicate lead store and upload, or do that manually.