Sales Invoices and Customer AR at the Till
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Search and Process Waiting Status Invoices at the Till
When you search and select a customer, a Hand HOLD symbol will show if they have any Waiting Status Invoices.
Click the HOLD button and any Waiting Status Invoices will show inlist form for you to select. Selecting will bring the invoice up at the till so you can process the payment. If there is only one Waiting Invoice, it will automatically come up on the screen.
Note: If you select and invoice by mistake and it comes up on the screen, but you do not want to process payment, put it back on HOLD. Do not Delete Receipt / Void Sale or it will permanently delete the actual Invoice.
Choose payment type or Charge to AR if it is an AR Customer.
Paying Outstanding AR Balances at the Till
Search and select customer and click “AR LIST” to see outstanding AR Invoices and Balance.
Receiving $ on Account or Paying Individual Invoices
If customers pay their balances regularly and you do not send out statements, you may choose just to Receive on Account. Any $ Received on Account will lower the Account AR Balance. If a customer pays less than their total balance, the oldest will clear and show as paid or partially paid. The next time you check AR LIST you may see an invoice that seems partially paid.
If you want to prepare Customer Statements that show individual outstanding invoices listed, then you will want to pay each invoice separately so that they are not listed on the statement.
Receiving on Account
You can receive any amount onto a customer’s account without checking outstanding invoices on the AR LIST. An AR customer’s balance will show beside their name at the top of the screen. If you just want to Receive $ onto the account, pay part of or the entire balance and you are not concerned about clearing off specific invoices, you can enter the amount you want to Receive on Account. In this example the entire amount of 76339 is entered. Click “ROA”.
Or you can click “AR LIST” and then click “Pay Now” and enter the amount to pay on the window that pops up and choose payment type to complete.
In Customer Maintenance>Billing/Activity, the account now looks like the below. The Received on Account amount is called a “Paid In”. The invoices themselves still show AR payment.
This is what a statement looks like when individual invoices are not cleared but payment is made as ROA. Charges - Payments = Balance.
Paying Individual Invoices
You can click and pay each invoice one at a time by using the AR Completion button. After each invoice is paid you must re-select the customer’s account to pay another one. Search and select the customer then click “AR LIST” to see outstanding invoices.
The invoice will come up on the screen. Note the total is $1322.59.
The customer can pay the whole invoice or part of it. Click the “AR COMPLETE” button and a window will pop up with the total to pay but this can be edited to a lower amount. After you click to confirm the amount, select your payment type to change the payment type from AR to however the customer wants to pay.
In Customer Maintenance>Billing/Activity, the paid invoices are no longer in AR and the payment type is changed. The Balance = the remainder in AR.
Refunding an AR Transaction
If your customer usually pays by ROA and you are not concerned about paying off specific invoices, you can process a refund with the customer’s account selected the way you normally would. If the refund is processed to AR, it will lower the account balance by the refunded amount.
If you prefer to pay individual invoices, you should not use this method since a receipt with a negative total does not show in the AR LIST if the customer is selected in the future. Instead recall the original receipt by clicking it in the AR LIST and then use the “Refund Receipt” button. This will flag the entire receipt for refund. If the customer is only returning some of the items on the receipt, void the ones not being refunded and/or change the Qty as needed so that before you close the refunded receipt to AR all that is left on it is what the customer has returned. This will lower the amount due on the original invoice and it will still show in the AR LIST with this new lower amount. The Account Balance will be lower as a result.
Charge the refunded amount to AR so that this refund will be reflected in the original transaction. In Customer Maintenance>Billing /Activity, you will see the two entries on separate dates but when you check AR LIST, only the singe reduced transaction is there to pay as that is all that is due.
When you first select the receipt to pay it will show the full original amount but when you click “AR COMPLETE” only the reduced amount will default in the payment window.
The original transaction shows the original total, the amount paid and the amount still in AR that is balanced by the refund in AR.